Speedex tractor serial numbers serial numbers#
Model and serial numbers for all Ford tractors were hand-stamped into the cast iron engine or transmission housing. Rubber tires became standard in the 1930s and 1940s.FORD N-TRACTOR SERIAL NUMBERS AND CASTING DATE CODES A choice of treads was offered for different soil conditions and extension rims were available for soft or spongy soil. Early tractors were issued with steel wheels. An assortment of attachments assisted with cultivating, plowing, harrowing, hoeing, dragging, seeding, fertilizing, dusting, spraying, pulverizing, weeding, lawn mowing, field mowing and belt work. These included the 1-1/2hp BP-1, the 3hp HB and the 4-1/2hp HT. Initial models included the 1hp Model A-B and the 2hp A-T. Comparable to modern walk-behind tractors, these were much smaller, lighter and cheaper. The company reintroduced two-wheeled tractors in the late 1920s and early 1930s. It weighed 2,300 pounds, was driven from a sulky and sold for $1,000. The tractor was similar to the Moline Universal. The Allen company introduced a two-wheeled universal tractor in 1920, but discontinued production after one year. Allen is credited with having the first mail-order company in the U.S. Thanks to Samuel Allen’s astute business sense and marketing skills, the company rapidly became a leader in its field, producing Planet Jr. The company remained in existence until 1968, when it was acquired by the Leisure Group of Los Angeles and then dissolved in 1971. was established in 1868 to manufacture farm and garden equipment. and it became the basis for a whole line of agricultural tools. When he later invented a similar but smaller version for planting seeds, he called that the Planet Jr. His interest in astronomy caused him to notice the resemblance of the tool to the planet Saturn and its rings, so he called it the Planet Drill. In 1866, Samuel made a fertilizer drill by riveting together two washbasins rim-to-rim and adding handles and a wooden wheel. Samuel’s interest in farming led him to invent a variety of push-type implements such as a fertilizer drill, seed drill, potato digger, cultivator, furrower, pulverizer and grass edger. The Flexible Flyer was patented in 1889 and continues to be marketed today. His most famous and long-lasting invention was the Flexible Flyer sled, noteworthy for flexible runners that enabled the sled to be steered. He is credited with more than 300 patents. Samuel had many interests, including astronomy and winter sports. Samuel Leeds Allen, founder of the Planet Jr. In 1866 Samuel married Sarah Hooton Roberts. Following that, he moved to the Allen family farm and worked for his father. Samuel was sent to a Quaker boarding school at age 11 and remained there until his graduation in 1859. Later, the family moved to a farm in New Jersey. His father, John Casdorp Allen, was a prominent druggist in Philadelphia. The only numbers visible on either the chassis or the engine of the Becker family’s BP-1 tractor are some casting numbers. The engine can be found with mechanical or pneumatic governors, float or suction carburetors, a variety of starters and many other modifications to meet specific needs. Many were used by the military during World War II. The engine was adapted to many uses during its long career. More than 150,000 Briggs & Stratton Model N engines were produced from 1940 to 1954. The engine has a remote throttle and it is rated 1.56hp at 2,200 rpm, 1.85hp at 3,100 rpm and 1.97hp at 3,600 rpm. Ignition is by a high-tension magneto the spark plug size is 14 mm. The cylinder displacement is 6.28 cubic inches, with a 2-inch bore and a 2-inch stroke. The crankshaft is drop forged and counter-weighted. The oil sump and head are made of cast aluminum and the piston and connecting rod of aluminum alloy. The cast iron engine block is distinctive because of its seven cooling fins. It is an L-head (flat-head) design equipped with an adjustable pneumatic governor, an oil-bath air cleaner and a Type K (Flo-Jet) carburetor. The weight of the tractor, without the added concrete weight but with the B-11 cultivator and rubber tires, was 251 pounds. A Model B-11 cultivator was included with the tractor as standard equipment. Remaining flakes of paint show that the tractor was painted green. A homemade concrete weight is attached to the front of the tractor below the engine to stabilize the tractor and provide additional traction. The wheels can be reversed to provide 14- or 24-inch tread width (above) t he V-belt drivebelt (below).Ī lever to tighten the belt is mounted on the left wooden handle and the throttle is mounted on the right.